Monday, June 21, 2010

Khumaak Flying Circus

From the journal of Wandering Rose:

I decided to name my corporation the Khumaak Flying Circus in honor of Drupar Maak, the slave who killed Arkon Ardishapur, the royal heir to the Ardishapur family, on Starkman Prime and began the great slave rebellion that eventually led to the formation of the Minmatar Republic.  Drupar, who served as Arkon’s personal secretary, killed the Amarrian royal heir with his own ceremonial scepter, called a Khuumak, when Arkon was on the verge of discovering that Drupar was a ringleader of a planned revolt.  In honor of Drupar, the slaves began arming themselves with imitation khuumaks, calling them khumaaks.  It is the makeshift weapon of the slaves, not the sacred symbol of their Amarrian masters, which the guild is named after.

Another reason for honoring Drupar Maak is that the Vherokior tribe is an offshoot of the Starkmanir tribe.  Arkon’s successor Idonis ordered the extermination of the Starkmanir in retribution for his father’s death, but a few years ago New Eden learned he had failed.  The name “Khumaak” is a reminder of when the Starkmanir led the revolt and not what our cousins turned into during their escape from the Ardishapur family’s vengeance.

I realize the name and symbol do hold some danger, as the khumaak has turned into a political symbol both inside and outside the Republic.  In YC 106 the prime minister attempted to ban the symbol in an attempt to appease the Amarr.  While peace and stability are a worthwhile goal, becoming lapdogs to the Amarr while they still hold one-third of all Minmatar in bondage is not acceptable.  One thing that the Vherokior, or at least the clan matriarch who approved this venture, believe in is that freeing our brethren is a goal worth going to war over.  If those who think otherwise gain the upper-hand and the political climate in the Republic become less than friendly, moving operations to someplace better for business is really no problem.  I’ve found frequent changes in scenery good for the soul anyway.

As for the corporation itself, the Khumaak Flying Circus is still under construction as I build up some of the basic services required to attract other capsuleers.  The current activities include mission-running and mining in an effort to pay for everything I wish to accomplish.  The first priority is to establish perfect refining capabilities followed by working out an arrangement with one of the nearby Minmatar corporations to provide access to jump clones.  Another priority is to expand the industrial capacity of the corporation.  Not only does that include increasing my own industrial skills, but obtaining a wider selection of blueprints available to corporation members.  Currently I concentrate on consumable commodities like ammunition, drones and mining crystals.  If I wish to begin offering a ship replacement program I will need to expand into ship and module creation as well.  

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